I recently tested positive for a variant of Covid 19. I had brought my vaccinations to the current level with a sore arm and little else. I try to test reasonably regularly because I am often in public, and there are members of my working group who exposed the group to active COVID-19.
As a courtesy, I let family and friends know of my status and isolated until I tested negative two days beyond the recommended isolation period.
One family member and I had the following discussion:
Me: Just to let you know that I tested positive for Covid. I am doing well and will test again today.
Family: Oh, Great!
Me: A forced rest. Not a vacation, however.
Family: Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten all of those shots.
Me: Or rejoice that I did take all those shots, and I am not in a hospital ICU struggling to take one last breath.
Family: Okay.
Living in a major metropolitan area and living with a Doctor, the recommendation was to get the shots for me and those I work with: my choice and my journey. I expected more arguments because of where that family is in space and time.
During the week, I did a virtual Doctor visit, and his big concern was whether I was breathing well or not. He offered a recommended symptom reliever and discussed the benefits and potential side effects with me. I choose not to take the prescription. I tested negative two days early and took care to continue my rest.
So, on part of my journey, like all of our journeys, I made choices on how I would live with Covid. I trusted my faith to walk this experience. I listened to the world around me and chose to journey with hope and toward life.
Final Thought: This is NOT a right or wrong question. Rather, it is a free will question to live with what we are given to equip us for the journey of life and how we use it. I dare say to refuse to use the gifts given to us is to risk living to our dying rather than living our life. Journey well.