There is something about the past. That time that is seemingly lost and forgotten. Think about the ancient cloisters that have sheltered persons of faith for centuries and guided them into devotion, hope, and faith. Or those same folks who discovered what it meant to love and understand a handheld or a gentle caress that opened their life and heart when they have no doubt that they couldn’t love. In a single moment, it is in the past, tossing us into the peace that reminds u that we are loved.
The walk in the photo asks you to walk. No one is there. No need to hurry. Wait, mayhaps you can rest and hear the wind in the trees and the robin sing. Being separate offering the time to listen to your turmoil or discover what it means to not to have to be someplace or sometime. To be where the where is offered not required and the option is amazing, We wonder if peace is possible when we hear the ruckus of people seeking power. Can we heal when the words of “I am right and you are wrong” shout us both down, deafening and blinding us. And we then ask how can there be that time of hope.
We need to go apart. We need to walk with our heart and hear the rustle of life passing us by and filling us with possibilities. Maybe go into our past or the past in this park, to breathe and hear life, which is to be our peace.
Journey well.